About me

Dead Wire

I am Axel Kuckuk, alias Cuculum. Below I will try to answer some frequently asked questions.

Where have you learned to draw?
I’m an autodidact, so simply by doing it a lot and learning wherever I can.

Where do your ideas come from?
From public transport. Of course, this is vastly simplified, but many ideas are based on the observation of people in their natural environment.

What is the usual process of a drawing?
Currently, I mostly work in ink and colorize the drawings afterward digitally. Yet that might be subject to change.

Do you do this professionally?
Yes, I have been working professionally as an illustrator for publishers and individuals since 2020. If you have a commission for me, please send me a message via my contact form.


  • Born in 1995
  • Start of the collaboration with Kathrina s. East 2013
    As a collective under the name CatoD since 2015
  • Study of computer science since 2014
  • Master’s degree in computer science 2020
  • Working as an illustrator since 2020

Exhibitions (selection)

More projects can be found in the archive of Dreams & Feathers.